Monday, August 18, 2014

Winter 2014 ALMOST gone!!!

More signs everyday: hear birds, more sunny days, weather warming up. In fact this March, it got unseasonably warm too soon. Not complaining. But who knows what this screwy weather new weather pattern means for the garden this year? We became a Zone 7. So technically warmer. Yet coldest winter on records, including record amounts of snow. Last summer was wonderful. You knows about what's ahead for us.


I had taken off the outer covers & blankets. And you can see how warm March has been very early as the weeds had started to grow already . In fact as I stated , the garden season seems to last 12 months now. I found myself weeding under the low tunnels! Who knew?

It was so exciting to see how things lived & started re growing!!

Amazing, right? LOTS to do before the actual planting time starts. Rule of thumb: peas can go in by St Patrick's Day. Another found out that fava beans can go in ground earlier. They can take the cold. The plant don't like the heat or rather the planter(me) doesn't like them in warmer weather as the aphids LOVE them! They come with black ants all over the flower, stem & even pods. Yuck!

Learned a lot my second year of cloth covered load tunnels. On some levels it's really worth it but I would have to set up my system to be more efficiant and not make me do all this unnecessary work( hard labor).

Plus I GOT REPAIR or even REBUILD the deer fence!

Decided my swiss chard & beets this spring would be planted under a covered top enclosed in a wire fence. They would be protected from the deer nibbling or wiping out the row of veg. In one night in 2012 they ate an entire 15ft row of my Swiss chard & a 15ft of my beets. I kid you not! 

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