Monday, August 18, 2014

Color of the year


PURPLE is one of my fav colors. All shades. February BDay means your birth stone is purple: amethyst. The "gemstone amethyst is also the Zodiac stone for the constellation of Pisces. Amethyst is associated with spirituality, wisdom, sobriety, and security." 

So what does a bored creative person do when it snows AGAIN? Invent "The PURPLE Challenge". What is that you ask? It's a "a photo challenge to take pictures of how many things we are surrounded with already in our homes that is PURPLE." I called Patti, who is an artist who also has a winter bday & hates winter as much as I do. She grew up & still lives near the beach & ocean & even that doesn't make a Notheast winter any better! To get back: the point being with the Chalkenge was to not leave the house (which we couldn't) and take pictures of all the PURPLE things we had before we even had a chance to buy any of the new colored products that were already flooding the consumer market this year.  The reason for a new "Color of the Year": new stuff to sell & buy!! Great marketing idea.

We started just sending to each other the photos taken immediately with Air Drop.
But when we realized how much "purple stuff" we were surrounded with for years without even knowing, paying attention to, we decided to keep taking but post all to our FLICKR account & share that way.

Get the PICTURE? 
I won't bore you with all the photos I took that day. I ended up having almost 200 items that were purple so you can view all my photos on my FLICKR account if you'd like to continue this voyage through "The Purple Challenge". 

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