Friday, August 22, 2014

PHS Annual Flower Show

There is a tradition in Philadelphia that saves the city & surrounding suburbs from going Postal on the world. Just when you have lost all patience, crabby is your daily mood, losing interest in even getting up in morning, AND to make it even worse, you have a reality check & decide you can't got some place sunny & warm this winter, THE FLOWER SHOW ARRIVES!!!!

Always late March, for one week. Different theme every year, so it is like a mini VaCa to chase the blues a way. Hawaii, Great Britian, Art in Flowers have been some recent themes. It's an international roster of exhibitors: florists, landscapers, horticulturists, novice & hobby gardeners,colleges & universities, workshops, and vendors for all things GREEN. 



The Convention Center space is transformed to a magical space. On visit is usually not enough to see everything.

 I was part of an exhibition once. Well,my quill   I made was! A college friend was part of a garden club that early exhibited in the show. One year in the 80's their arrangement was tropical so the group used my ocean-themed color quilt as the backdrop to their display. They won!

The show is filled with garden & flower enthusiasts from everywhere also. City is filled with tourists & their is a certain buzz for that week. Remember EVERY HUMAN is SICK OF WINTER! 

So everyone is very bubbly, walking around with huge smiles & prone to talk to anyone. So in this manner we met visitors from Iowa in a steak shop where we had gone for lunch separately. After hours spent over 4 packed days, talking non-stop about all sorts of GREEN topics, comparing each other's gardens, showing photos from our smart phones, discussing what projects we have planned & now want to try after being inspired by the Flower Show, we have become the BESTEST OF FRIENDS! 

Gardening can be solitary. Maybe the actual doing it. But the joy & pleasure we all get from doing it, becomes something to share with other like minded people. Get us started talking about it and we can't shut up!

And the Flower Show is the Mecca for all this lovely passion, whether for hobby or for a career.

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