Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Italian Seeds

started using Italian seeds 2 years ago. They are imported from Italy & distributed from company in FLA called: SEEDS OF ITALY. We saw them at PHS Flower Show 3 years ago as they had a booth in the Marketplace. Then we found them online & at a localish garden center in Glenside, Primex.

These seeds are UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING! They ALL grow, you get hundreds more of seeds for same price as other companies ( Burpees, Botanical Interests, Seed Savers, Landreth, Hudson Valley, etc etc). They surpass all these and more!!


You pay the same amount as those listsed BUT the seed pack is triple the amount you get PLUS seeds NOT treated so they all grow & last 3 years to plant.

Yes they are a niche seed company but not all their seeds are only Italian vegetables & flowers. They are so worth checking out!

As an Italian I LOVE Dandelion leaves! As a salad green. Yes most NON Itailans see dandion flowers as a weed. Well very wrong! The flowers are edible. You can make dandelion wine & jam from them. And the green leaves are a powerhouse of nutrients! Medicinal. My grandmother boiled the leaves & drank as a tea. The leaves when not too large are a wonderful salad green, on their own or mixed in with others. They have a bitter taste, which  as an Italian we LOVE!

They can self seed & grow like crazy in a yard & then you can pick. Or you can plant the seeds & grow to harvest.  

The bought seeds are called DENTE DE LEONE, which means: teeth of the lion! Perfect description of how the leaves look. 

Trying FORAGING this wonderful green! You might be surprized at how much you enjoy. If you want to try raw in a salad, I suggest using them first mixed in with other salad greens. A simple dressing of EVO & red wine vinegar, salt &.pepper. 

Hope you try!'kmol


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