Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A NEW Year 2014

2013 was a LUCKY YEAR for me, in life AND most importantly, for my garden.

Number 13 in our family is considered lucky. My Mom's father, my Nonno Tony(Antonio or Anthony) always told us this.

So now what will 2014 shape up to be?

I started the new year with a few hours outside in my garden, in the cold as usual as it IS winter remember. Besides the usual exercise, head clearing outing I crave & love, my goal outside on this first day of 2014 was to start a two day process to try & protect my plants from doom & gloom approaching in 72 hours: lowest day & night temps in over 5 years in Philly!! They are talking 18 high daytime Friday to low of 0-8 degrees at night. So while I do have my low tunnels covered with frost row covers & a solar-like panel on my cold frame, I AM afraid.

So out I went all suited up for cold, at 3 pm, late again (meaning if I had gone out@12 I would have had sun & warmth.)  But no, I garden when it's a challenge. I wanted to pick more radicchio.

My radicchio under the low tunnels covered with frost covers

After picking this, I also harvested the baby Russian kale growing. Better to eat a baby kale salad now, than have zero gain if I lose plants! Thinking baby kale, baby spinach & arrugala (store bought of course at Whole Foods or Trader Joes as they are not happening in my garden now) with some sliced Bosc pear, red onion slices, pomegranate seeds drizzled on top after a dressing of olive oil & pear white balsamic vinegar I got for Xmas.

So after 2+ hours,  it was now dusk, I'm walking around by memory, as usual, as it was almost dark. Getting colder too. Besides harvesting the veggies, I did put a few more more layer of covers on rows. Tomorrow after dropping herbs purchased by Harvest Local Foods @9 am, I'm off to find straw to purchase for inside my cold frame & around harvested plants under cover.

New day of new year: my garden off to a good start! Feel accomplished.

STILL growing & harvesting. Yea! 

Or LUCKY 13 ?

1 comment:

  1. This post was really inspiring. I had no idea it was possible to garden in January! Without an actual greenhouse no less! Your recipe sounds wonderful and I could really experience what it must have been like to be out there yesterday. New Year and old traditions, connected with the earth and the seasons. That is timeless.
